
Gastric Bypass

Gastric Bypass

In gastric bypass surgeries, the stomach is shrunk at a certain rate (bypassing), and the shrinking stomach is sewn into the small intestine.

In this surgery, it is aimed to remove some of the nutrients without being absorbed by decreasing the stomach volume as well as in other obesity surgery operations and by eliminating some of the intestines. Therefore, patients are both saturated with less food and some of the food they receive is absorbed.

How is it applied?

Gastric bypass surgery is also usually done by laparoscopic method. The surgery is performed by entering the small incisions opened from the abdomen. Robotic surgery method is also used for gastric bypass surgeries.

Post-Operative Period

After surgery, patients will easily feel saturated with small amounts of food, and after a while this satiety becomes a loss of appetite.

Depending on the size of the shrinking stomach and reduced food absorption, the dietician's instructions should be followed for the necessary vitamin and mineral support.

Thus, the patient can lose weight without losing vitamins and minerals.

Reviews of Patients

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